Steelman offers a free service to analyze your electric bills and consult with your electric utility to determine if Power Factor Correction would be of financial benefit to you. A detailed report showing the total amount of KVAR required and recommendations for various methods of installation would be generated for you as a proposal. The cost and payback on the capacitors would be determined based on the actual savings that would result from Power Factor Correction. In order to receive your free Power Factor Analysis, please provide copies of the previous 12 months of power bills and your utility rate schedule if you have one. If only KWH and KW Demand readings are present on your bills, with no reference to Power Factor, KVA, or KVAR, there may be no direct monetary benefit from the use of capacitors. A harmonic analysis should also be submitted. Check with the factory for further information.
For a detailed recommendation on the proper installation of Power Factor Correction Capacitors, a list of the largest motors (15 HP and over), would be necessary. Please list whether motors have special starters (reduced voltage,solid state controls,etc.). Specify voltage if different from system voltage.
Contact us for more information.